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Iridology Virtual Session

A one on one virtual session with me to explore your

irises, provide insight, and answer your questions.


This is an option for those that would rather have me analyze their irises in real time. This does not include a detailed PDF report, but if you do want one after this session, you can get one at a discounted rate. This would be ideal for those needing immediate support and would rather a live session.



What is Iridology?

Iridology is a non-invasive method used to determine the condition of the organs and soft tissues within the body.

Our bodies are made up of 2 main fluids: blood and lymph. The blood feeds the cells, and the lymphatic fluid is composed of the waste left over from the metabolic processes of cells. The lymphatic system acts as the sewer system of the body and holds all the toxins filtering through our bodies. The buildup of lymphatic fluid (waste) is the underlying cause of all disease within the body. This is one of the main ways cells become damaged.


The build up is acidic and corrosive to the cells. The lymphatic fluid is "interstitial," which means it runs in between the cells. The cells within the body reflect in the iris fibers. Using iridology, I can see the health of your cells based on the lymphatic system colors and shapes within the iris. I judge the health of the cells by the degree of lymph stagnation/degeneration within the fibers of the iris.


During this iridology session, I will pick out the 3-5 main concerns I can see in your body and give you advice based on where you currently are in your health journey. All advice will be very personalized and I will also suggest herbs for you to experiment with.


Iridology virtual sessions are tailored to help you achieve your health goals

in the quickest and most sustainable way.​




  • An hour-long, one-on-one session with me, via Zoom or FaceTime

  • 30 minutes of Iridology Analysis

  • 30 minutes of advice, recommendations, and answering questions

  • Tips and suggestions regarding diet and supportive medicine


The exchange is $250 USD

After booking you will receive and email from me to schedule your session.



"Thank you so so much Britt! Your report is the most comprehensive health report that relates to me with every sentence! This is the best money I have ever spent on my health (and I’ve spent a lot!) Thank you from the bottom of my heart! -Danielle

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