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Ready To Learn About Red Raspberry Leaf?

Updated: Jan 28

Botanical Name: Rubus Idaeus

Member Of TheRoseaceae (Rose) Family

Herbal Actions: Anti-Inflammatory, Astringent, Nutritive, Uterine Tonic

Also Referred To As: Raspberry Leaf, Red Raspberry, European Red Raspberry, “The Woman’s Herb”

How To Identify: Grows Up To Seven Feet Tall, White Flowers, Bright Red Berries, Tiny Thorns Along The Stems, Medium, Green, Egg-Shaped, Hairless Leaf Tops, With Double Toothed Edges & Fuzzy Hairs Underneath

Internal Body Benefits: Relieves Menstrual Cramps, Prepares A Woman's Womb For Childbirth, Soothes Digestive Discomfort, Great For The Gums, Provides Impressive Nutrient Profile 

External Body Benefits: Soothes Sunburn, Eczema, & Rashes 

When To Use: When You’re Looking To Add Extra Nutrients To Your Diet, Would Like To Specifically Support Your Womb, Are Experiencing Mild Digestive Distress

Red raspberry’s egg-shaped leaves are loaded with nutrients including vitamins A, B, C, and E, along with magnesium, potassium, iron, and calcium. 

Not only that, but they also have antioxidants, including flavonoids and polyphenols, which are known for both their anti-inflammatory effects, and their ability to neutralize free radicals in your body. (The fact that this plant packs a powerhouse of nutrients is what makes red raspberry leaf such an amazing addition to HippyBritt’s Nutrient Dense tea blend.)

Because red raspberry leaf is high in B vitamins, this makes it a useful remedy for relieving nausea, lessening leg cramps, and improving sleep. (Which can be beneficial for anyone, but especially for pregnant women.)

Its high concentration of vitamin C makes it great for immune system support during and when aiming to prevent illness. 

Plus, you can swish a tincture or an infusion of red raspberry leaf around in your mouth to help alleviate the symptoms of gingivitis and / or gum disease.

You can even use it externally to soothe some instances of skin irritation including eczema, rashes, and sunburn. 

And while red raspberry leaf tea is often recommended during pregnancy, its nutrient profile makes it an excellent herb for women at any stage of their life. Red raspberry leaf’s tannins offer astringent properties, which can strengthen the uterus and pelvic muscles, along with helping prepare the womb for childbirth, and helping it recover during the postpartum period.

Red raspberry leaf can also help ease the symptoms of PMS, endometriosis, and menopause.

This is what makes red raspberry leaf a wonderful addition to HippyBritt’s Womb Restore tea blend.

What Does Red Raspberry Leaf Do To Hormones?

Because red raspberry leaf boasts a high volume of vitamins and minerals, it can help balance hormones and strengthen the walls of your uterus and pelvic area.

Who Should Not Take Red Raspberry Leaf?

Red raspberry leaf tea is commonly recommended during pregnancy for its uterine-toning effects. But there are some differing opinions regarding its safety during the first trimester. Some sources say you should skip sipping red raspberry leaf in your first trimester as its uterine-stimulating properties could potentially lead to miscarriage.

Can Red Raspberry Leaf Help Me Get Pregnant?

There are many factors that can contribute to a woman’s fertility and her overall ability to conceive. Red raspberry leaf may offer a supportive role in reproductive health by improving overall wellness via adding extra nutrients, helping support hormones, and toning the uterus, but, there are many things that play a part in a woman’s ease with which she can conceive. 

However, red raspberry leaf is an excellent herb for women in their childbearing years who are looking to start (or add to) their family thanks to its impressive nutritional profile, and overall support for the womb.

What Does Red Raspberry Leaf Do For the Uterus?

Red raspberry leaf is incredibly supportive for overall uterine health.

But more specifically, red raspberry leaf tea can help balance hormones. So it may help ease the symptoms of PMS, menstrual cramps, and endometriosis, help regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle, and provide support during the transition through menopause.

Red raspberry leaf is also commonly recommended during the third trimester of pregnancy, since it is said to strengthen and tone the uterus, which can lead to a quicker, easier delivery. 

Its astringent qualities can also help in postpartum recovery by helping speed up healing, ease bleeding, and to assist the uterus to contract more efficiently as it shrinks back to pre-pregnancy size and shape.

(However, it’s always important to bear in mind that individual responses to herbs may vary.)

Is Raspberry Leaf Tea Good For The Gut?

Red raspberry leaf contains tannins, which have mild astringent properties. Astringents can tighten and tone tissues, including the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. So red raspberry leaf can soothe digestive discomfort, and promote overall digestive health.

Is Red Raspberry Leaf A Laxative?

As with all herbs, individual responses may vary. Every body is different, so people can have slightly different responses to the same herb. 

For some people, consuming red raspberry leaf tea may help regulate bowel movements, or have a mild laxative effect. While others may not experience a noticeable impact on their digestive system at all.

The effects of red raspberry leaf on bowel function will also depend on factors such as dosage, frequency of consumption, and your overall health.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to hand selecting herbs to add to your daily wellness routine, red raspberry leaf would be a beneficial choice. Not only is it a tasty tea, but it offers an exceptional amount of essential vitamins and minerals.

From its gentle toning effects on the uterus, and the support it lends during various stages of a woman's life (including pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause), it’s obvious why red raspberry leaf has not only been used for centuries, but has become known as “the woman’s herb.” 

Nevermind the fact that its astringent action lends itself to helping soothe digestive distress and irritated gums. 

Alone, red raspberry leaf would be an awesome addition to your wellness routine. 

So it makes sense to maximize your potential benefits by choosing tea blends, such as   HippyBritt’s Nutrient Dense and Womb Restore that not only capitalize on red raspberry leaf’s body benefits, but also combine it with other incredible herbs.

***This herbal breakdown is for informational purposes only. No medical claims made**

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